Crawford: More than 600 students at Crawford High School have done the hour of code this week. The Crawford Cyber Colts Coding Club assisted and acted as technical support in various classrooms. The week started with Crawford Graduate Diana Nguyen, providing a presentation on the pathway to software engineering. Diana highlighted the statistics about the field: only 12% of those employed in software engineering are female, and the average annual salary is nearly $100,000. She obtained her BS in Computer Science with a minor in Math from Mills College, and is now a full time software engineer. She credits her career to the Web Development and CAD engineering courses at Crawford. On Wednesday the California National Guard provided a demonstration of tactical computer equipment mounted in a Humvee.
Hoover: Personnel from the Control Group led by Kacey Nomura visited the Academy of Information Technology (AoIT) to do Hour of Code activities with the first year academy students. Also a IT professional, Rick Worthen, visited AoIT classes to do Scratch lessons and to share his industry experiences.
Kearny SCT: All students spent over an hour battling it out using Code Combat and learning JavaScript along the way. It has been a great way to end our CS Education Week. The coding still continues at Kearny SCT.

On Thursday Dec. 7 at Morse the Foundations of IT classes hosted the cybersecurity team from the San Diego County Office of Education - 2 CyberSecurity Analysts - Vong Sopha and Ed Kipp as well as Christy Johnson, the project manager. They did a hacking of a computer demonstration and then discussed topics such as phishing, ransomware, passwords, public Wifi, USB sticks, and IOT. They also explained their career paths and the demand for cybersecurity analysts in the future.
SDHS International: Foundations of IT Classes did Hour of Code activities on