Careers at my Best
After learning about their strengths, interests, and values over the last three years though College and Career lessons, students at Kearny, DMD had a culminating experience. Students were able to connect their interests to their strength to find the best career for themselves. Using their iStartStrong results students deeply explored careers that matched the interest inventory. Connected to the o’net, students looked at salaries, job descriptions, and education required for these positions. However, it didn’t end there. In order to find a career that is going to make you happy, you need to find something that you are not only interested in, but good at as well. Students connected the job responsibilities to their StrengthQuest results and created “Careers at my Best.” Students will be presenting on their past, present, and future in a Senior Defense during the second week of January. Showing their identity and growth over the last four years will conclude with showcasing their ability to apply those skills outside the classroom.