Developing an effective a marketing campaign is something that marketing professionals struggle with at times. As 10th grade PBL students at Kearny, DMD prepare to reach the Linda Vista community with technical science facts about the ocean and coral in conjunction with their client Scripps Institute of Oceanography, they needed some help from the experts. The E2E lab was able to schedule a visit from Jason Klein, owner of Brandiose, a company that brands baseball teams. Jason, a San Diego native who built this business with his best friend from Kindergarten, was able relate and engage students as he walked them through the design process of the campaigns that he has created for teams that he works with. Then, it was the student’s turn. They used the whiteboard tables in the E2E lab to answer questions about themselves building a personal profile. From there, students randomly mixed around the room and sat in front of someone else’s profile. Using only the content they had in front them, students were tasked with developing a mascot for this mystery person. The results showed creativity, empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students are now equipped to move onto conducting empathy interviews with members of the community as they continue of the journey of showing Linda Vista the importance of caring about the ocean.