Mrs. Hayde Zavala, middle school literacy resource teacher, led the 8th grade ELA teachers from Knox in a two-day lesson study. During this time, teachers had the opportunity to visit Health Science High and Middle College (HSHMC) to gain a new perspective. While there, the 8th grade team focused on the components of an academic mindset. Knox visiting teachers observed how HSHMC teachers created a safe and collaborative environment by being warm demanders. The 8th grade ELA teachers participated in a debrief session after the site visit. This uncovered opportunities for growth and shifts in culture for teachers and staff to implement. Excitedly, Knox teachers shared one aspect of the visit they would like to implement at Knox. Ms. Sanders expressed that she would love to “renegotiate some of the student expectations that include students voice.” A big shout out goes to Knox and HSHMC for engaging in this level of collaboration!