In addition to amazing STEM internship opportunities for San Diego Unified seniors, Northrop Grumman is partnering with the Office of Secondary Schools to share the cutting edge world of engineering with our middle schools. See below for events scheduled for E-week 2018 and for more information about the James Web Space Telescope
Tuesday, February 20
ArduSat: Space Out!
Northrop Grumman employees will work with Marston Middle School students to building Arduino Planet-Finding CubeSats. Students will participate in two James Webb Space Telescope inspired experiments using luminosity and infrared sensors.
Wednesday, February 21
Snap Circuits
Northrop Grumman employees will provide Roosevelt Middle School students with an overview of how circuitry may be used in various forms of engineering and guide them through a snap circuit exercise.
Engineers will visit Pershing Middle School to share with students some of the exciting aerospace projects our engineers design, develop and launch. To help inspire the next generation of STEM professionals, the discussion will also include a special showing of the new James Webb Space Telescope documentary titled “Into the Unknown.”
Thursday, February 22
Introduce a Girl to Engineering (Girls Day)
Northrop Grumman is participating in the national effort to Introduce a Girl to Engineering. Lewis Middle School students will visit our site to meet female engineers and collaborate on innovation themed projects.
Friday, February 23
Engineers will visit Challenger Middle School to share with students some of the exciting aerospace projects our engineers design, develop and launch. To help inspire the next generation of STEM professionals, the discussion will also include a special showing of the new James Webb Space Telescope documentary titled “Into the Unknown.”