Back to School Night is a Community Event!
As a writer, I am curious. I wonder what will I write on my next page,” said Kelleigh, a Carson STEAM Magnet fourth grader. At Back-to-School Night on October 9th, third and fourth graders in Mrs. Oakes Brooks class shared personal narratives with their families. Kelleigh had written about the arrival of her new baby sister--she knew right down to the minute how old her new sister was!
While classrooms buzzed with students, families, and teachers connecting over their shared STEAM learning goals for the year, the playground was alive with booths and activities hosted by some of our Carson STEAM Magnet partners: Montgomery STEAM Magnet Middle School, Treobytes, Food Corps, Bayside Community Center, Office Depot, SDUSD Food & Nutrition Services, and the SD County Health & Human Services Department.
We are grateful for the support of our newest partner, our Mission Valley Office Depot branch, who’s customers donated $1,600 in school supplies to our students through a back-to-school supply drive this September!