VAPA Liaisons from elementary schools all over San Diego Unified gathered in Balboa Park on September 19th for a powerful day of learning about the arts. Each VAPA Liaison was selected by their principal to receive all VAPA Department communications and communicate the information to their site staff, as well as benefit from this annual VAPA professional development day. (If you are interested in becoming the VAPA Liaison at your school, please talk to your principal.)
During this year's VAPA Liaison Day, the VAPA Liaisons (most of whom are classroom teachers) gained new insights as to how arts education effectively transforms the lives of students. First, the VAPA Department presented a district arts informational session, held in the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA). Topics included arts programs offered to elementary schools, district initiatives like “Unified Sings” and the “One Book, One VAPA” book club with Becky Bellingham, and general tips for advocacy.
Next, the Liaisons walked down to the Museum of Art (SDMArt) to meet with San Diego County VAPA Coordinator Pauline Crooks. In the SDMArt theater, arts organizations from around the county were set up at tables. During this “AERO Fair” (AERO is the Arts Education Resource Organization, a collective of arts organizations managed by the County Office of Education), VAPA Liaisons had the opportunity to engage with arts organizations of their choice. Then, Liaisons were grouped by neighborhoods to discuss the arts offerings in their cluster and strategize for expanding opportunities.
After lunch, breakout sessions allowed attendees to engage in professional development workshops. Liaisons could choose from sessions on connecting the community, singing in your classroom (arts integration), funding resources, and using the arts for self-care and mindfulness. While the VAPA Liaisons may have learned tools to use in their classrooms immediately, they are also responsible for sharing their learning with their colleagues.
Thank you to the community arts education partners that supported this event:
• Arts for Learning San Diego
• Guitars in the Classroom
• Museum of Photographic Arts
• San Diego Museum of Art
• Arts Education Resource Organization
• San Diego County Office of Education