Tuesday, December 10, 2019
DMD 9th Grade Project Launch-The Water Conservation Garden
On Thursday, December 5th, the 9th grade class at Kearny Digital Media and Design kicked off their year long project dedicated to promoting sustainability. The day began with a presentation by Emily Usaha from Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI). Teams of 9th grade students will produce multimedia products for SEI to promote innovative sustainability practices. After the presentation, the entire 9th grade class took a trip to the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College. There, students engaged in a scavenger hunt where they found examples of sustainable plants. Students also saw sustainability in action like innovative irrigation techniques and various species of low maintenance plant-life that are efficient and beautiful. The students also had a chance to design their own sustainable gardens using the techniques that they learned throughout the day. At the end of the day students felt more prepared to engage with their client and produce a great product to promote sustainability!