Tuesday, January 1, 2019

IMPACTing Elementary Physical Fitness

School partnerships in action! 9th grade students at Clairemont High School’s Academy of Health and Medical are serving as mentors, role models, and buddies to the 3,4, and 5th graders at Toler Elementary. The CHS students will spend nine Tuesdays supporting the Toler students in completing the FitnessGram pre-assessment test and participating in age appropriate, fun, fitness activities that will help the students increase their flexibility and cardio in order to improve their overall health. They are using the IMPACT program, developed by Lynn Barnes-Wallace and UCSD.

The 9th graders saw a need as Toler Elementary is one of five Elementary Schools in the Clairemont Community Cluster of Schools that currently does not have a PE teacher. The high school students wanted to help and were able to solve this real world problem, while documenting their journey with quantitative and qualitative data. The Clairemont Cluster is look forward to seeing the growth in all students involved as the project progresses.