Did you know that when you get your child vaccinated, you’re protecting your child AND our community? If children are not vaccinated, they can spread preventable diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and pertussis to other children who are too young to be vaccinated or to people with weakened immune systems such as transplant patients and people with cancer. Community immunity protects everyone!

New immunization laws are coming July 1, 2019! There are new regulations regarding temporary and permanent medical exemptions, students who are transferring from one school to another (even within the same district), and new requirements for students entering kindergarten and 7th grade. If you have questions about how your child may be affected by these new laws or to see the new requirements, go to one of the links below. If you have further questions, send an email to Immunizations@sandi.net.
Link to the English version: https://www.sandiegounified.org/sites/default/files_link/district/files/dept/nursing_and_wellness_program/2019%20CA%20Immunization%20Requirements%20for%20TK-12th%20Grade.pdf