HERstory lessons at Grant K-8 Primetime
The Integrated Youth Services Division believes in an integrated approach to empower, engage, and inspire students in their learning. Our Extended Learning Opportunities in collaboration with our Youth Advocacy Department have teamed up to bring culturally responsive teaching practices to PrimeTime before and after school programs. Grant K-8 is one of the many PrimeTime Programs that are integrating the learning opportunities for students after school. English teacher, Dennice Rousey, has spent the last few weeks teaching students in PrimeTime all about women's history using the Youth Advocacy curriculum "HERstory" developed by resource teacher Ebonee Weathers. When the students were asked what their favorite lesson was, sixth grader Katie shared, "My favorite lesson was the one about our Identity!" and Joshua, a seventh grader, said "You remember the one with the Ted Talk? It was where they asked you if you knew any of the famous women. I didn't know any of them." For more information around PrimeTime programming contact Steffanie Zambrano szambrano@sandi.net or for culturally responsive teaching contact Ebonee Weathers: eweathers@sandi.net.