SDHS School of Business and Leadership Culinary Arts students Yasmine Zamudio, Bailey Cook, Michaelangelo Ruiz, and David Cruz worked hard on their refined SoCal menu and brought the Caver heat to the annual Teen Iron Chef Competition. During this competition, each team cooks for an hour and has ten minutes to plate and get their food to the judges. They are required to make two each of the following: Appetizer, main course, and dessert. The competition, put on by the CCTE culinary arts program, hosted Hoover HS, San Diego HS, Madison HS, Mira Mesa HS, Morse HS, and Job Corp at San Diego Community College District Mesa College Campus. Although the SDHS students didn't win this year's competition, they gained so much from their experience. "We already won", stated Mr. Rubalcava, "The win doesn't mean first place but rather the teamwork and the relationships that are formed." This is an extraordinary lesson taught by the two culinary arts teachers in San Diego High School School of Business Leadership Culinary Arts Program. Mr. Murphy was selected as this year’s School of Business and Leadership Teacher of the Year and it is well deserved. Mr. Murphy is a wonderful teacher, a skilled chef and photographer. He has built caring relationships with his students and it shows. The other culinary teacher, Mr. Rubalcava, is a former SDHS student but is also a former student of Mr. Murphy and a culinary entrepreneur. The lessons they teach their students go way beyond the classroom and the dishes they create. They are building relationships that will last a lifetime.