Monday, February 25, 2019

Kearny High School Students Experience BioLabs

Ninth graders from Kearny High School Science Connections and Technology participated in a unique hands-on learning experience at BioLabs. BioLabs offers co-working spaces for life science startups; unique places where you can test, develop, and grow your game-changing ideas. The goal is to change how scientific entrepreneurs do business by building an ecosystem that empowers bioinnovators to grow quickly, while maximizing capital efficiency.

For the primary hands-on, minds-on activity, the students were presented with the following design challenge: How might we design a solution to combat the spread of a flu outbreak? Students worked in groups and used design thinking strategies to create a "pitch" that would solve an influenza outbreak for a specific population. They presented their pitches to a panel of mock investors to simulate an experience a startup biotech company would participate in.

After they pitched their solutions, they had the opportunity to have conversations with real world BioTech entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs shared their passions and paths to success and answered questions posed by the students. The opportunity to interact with industry experts was the icing on the cake to an great day of learning.

San Diego Unified is very fortunate to have partners like BioLabs who create unique learning experiences for students!