An Ocean of Opportunity
Students from Logan K-8
Visited SeaWorld's Ocean Link Lab today where they got a behind the scenes
glimpse of the inner workings of the park, including the SeaWorld Cares rescue
facilities. The Ocean Link Lab program focuses on ocean health and career awareness.
Students learn how human actions can have a positive or negative impact on our
ocean environments and things we can do to ensure a healthy ocean for
generations to come. San Diego Unified’s Office of Secondary Schools is proud
of the program we have developed in partnership with SeaWorld. This Excursion
reinforces Next Generation Science Standards and helps students dive into their
Strengths Interests and Values as they relate to Health Career Themed Pathways.
This unique opportunity will be offered to additional San Diego Unified
students throughout the 2017/18 school year. This experience is only open to
San Diego Unified School District students.