The Race to Submit is complete with a real-time dashboard located at https://webutil.csac.ca.gov/Dashboard/ that allows local communities to review their progress weekly and compare their high school, district, or county progress to that of other communities across the state. The goal of this initiative is to increase financial aid application completions, using a network of support.
The Race to Submit Leaderboard will display all California high schools by the Top 10 completed application percentages, by six levels determined by the graduating class size. The top five schools at each level will be recognized by the California Student Aid Commission. The Race to Submit campaign will celebrate the progress and success of all schools and districts that make significant strides in FAFSA and CADAA completion between October 1, 2017 and March 2, 2018. Locations for free Cash for College Workshops are available at https://www.cash4college.csac.ca.gov/.