This Fall San Diego Unified issued over 150 unique digital badges to almost 100,000 students (many students received multiple badges) across the district. The district awards these badges as one way of recognizing a skill or achievement a student has earned. These badges will signify accomplishments such as passing AP and Smarter Balanced exams, GPA, attendance, College and Career Technical Education Pathway completion, and much more. Electronic badges are popular among young adults, used by industry, and something we believe will support students as they enter the post-secondary world of college and career by displaying what they can do, as well as what they know. These badges can be collected over time and shared on social media and through resumes. Our badging system is supported by UCSD Extension and other local business partners.
Students (badge recipients) received notification of their badge(s) through the Gmail feature of their google apps for education. Gmail was turned on for secondary schools and will only function as a means for this notification. To ensure student safety, students will not be able to send or receive emails to or from any other entity.

More information about the district program and instructions for students who would like to accept their badges can be found at
This is just the beginning. We are developing a badging system that reflects the whole child, their strengths, their interest and their values. Digital badges along with Unlocking the Genius activities will generate data that can be used to unlock work based learning experiences that align to student interest. The Secondary Schools Office also has the ability to support school sites and courses of study that would like to develop unique badges for themselves.
For more information or questions please do not hesitate to contact Michael Goodbody.