The leadership team at Chesterton met on 11/30/2018 to go over the results of the FIA (Fidelity Integrity Assessment). The purpose of the FIA is to examine the current status of implementation of I-MTSS efforts, to capture school leadership team member perspectives as well as to inform teams when making I-MTSS implementation decisions. With these results they were able to identify priorities that aligned with their strategic plan of strengthening academic support in the area of Tier 1 Reading Instruction.
The team utilized the guiding questions from the FIA to drive a series of action steps that they will work on this year, which included Universal Screening in reading, developing an observation tool to ensure fidelity of implementation of a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum as part of Tier 1 instruction, and ensuring collaboration of Education Specialists with the General Education teachers in the Professional Learning Communities to increase access for all students. These action steps will help to strengthen the strategic plan of the site to ensure that ALL students have access to Quality Tier 1 instruction in reading.