Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Beyond Coding

December 3rd-9th is Computer Science Week also known as the Hour of Code Week. Over 180 countries are participating in more than 193,272 registered coding events for the Hour of Code Week 2018 worldwide.

While schools worldwide are participating in Hour of Code Week, one event at Dana Middle School has gone way beyond the key strokes of a computer. Students were tasked by their engineering teacher, Shereen Bastani, to design an electronically controlled safe which incorporates input & output functions, as well as analog and digital features including buzzers, motors, servos, led lights and a programmable microprocessor. The students worked for the last two weeks in teams of two or three designing the ideal protective safe and writing a programmable code which would serve as the central intelligence to electronically control their safes. On December 3, 2018, students presented and demonstrated the functionality of their working safes to their parents and classmates. The presentations and designs were very impressive and testimony that great instruction leads to great results.