They network and earn summer internships. Exploring Solutions and Counseling & Guidance worked together so Seniors from Scripps Ranch, Morse, Mira Mesa, and University City, among others, could have 1-on-1 conversations with local industry leaders. Professionals from SDGE, Price WaterhouseCoopers, KPBS, Salk Institute, Moores Cancer Center, and more, shared their story and path with dozens of eager high school students. One student from Morse shared, "this event is amazing, I had no idea that mechanical engineers could work in so many different areas, it has definitely opened my eyes to the possibilities." Another student, from University City interested in sports broadcasting, was eager to land an internship with the Padres or Fox Sports. Counseling & Guidance is very thankful to our partner Exploring Solutions for hosting this event. Enhancing students' career awareness is crucial for maximizing their postsecondary success.