For the Students; By the Students

The LGBTQIA+ Education & Advocacy Program has developed a LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee is an effort of to keep San Diego Unified School District staff, students, parents, and community members in the know about the supports available for LGBTQIA+ students (PK-12) throughout the district. The committee is devoted to highlighting the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students and their allies by intentionally making time during every meeting to address students’ needs at school.
The committee meets every other month throughout the school year. Morse High School hosted the first meeting. Students shared about their experiences as LGBTQIA+ youth, shared the kinds of support they need from staff and other students, expressed their desire to get more students and community members involved. The committee was honored that the principal of Morse High School, Dr. Larkin, was present and listened attentively to what students had to say, demonstrating her continued support of improving the experiences of LGBTQIA+ students. Next, the students will take their ideas into action as they design a student-centered training for staff on best practices of support.
The next meeting will be hosted by Pershing Middle School on Nov. 14th from 4pm-5:30pm. As we continue to facilitate opportunities for students to be heard by adults this will improve experiences at school, elevate student voice and agency, and ultimately make school a place students want to be.