Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bell Middle School participates in Bright Camp at Webroot

Eighth grade students at Bell Middle School participated in the first ever Bright Camp at Webroot in April!

Webroot is a cybersecurity and data protection company that harnesses the cloud and machine learning to predict and protect against cyber attacks in real time.

The Bright Camp experience at Webroot included a visit to their building in University City and a tour to meet professionals along the way. Students were in groups of four and matched with a software engineer to learn coding skills and created robots with Arduino boards. The activities provided coding instruction and allowed students to explore their creative side as well as each robot was unique and served different purposes.

Experiences like Bright Camp are especially important for students as we prepare them for careers of the future. The 8th graders learned about the various careers available at a local cybersecurity company and gives them a unique perspective on what the jobs entail day to day.

Personal interactions with professionals makes students confident in their abilities and the students walked away inspired. They know to follow their passions and set new personal goals to follow their dreams!